Dyslexia and Depression
Unfortunately, depression is a frequent complication in dyslexia. Depressed children generally do not talk about their sadness. To mask their unhappiness, they may become more active or act out to cover the painful feelings.
Students with dyslexia oftentimes feel less capable, powerless, and/or incompetent than they truly are. Experiencing a great deal of stress and disappointment due to academic difficulties often leads to discouraged and frustrated learners.
Students with dyslexia oftentimes feel less capable, powerless, and/or incompetent than they truly are. Experiencing a great deal of stress and disappointment due to academic difficulties often leads to discouraged and frustrated learners.
Dyslexia, anxiety, and ADHD
“Virtually everyone who is diagnosed as dyslexic, comes with a full load of anxiety. In fact, it is rare to see a dyslexic who doesn't also have anxiety or, for that matter, ADHD. It is important to be aware of these very common comorbid conditions, for they too must be recognized, diagnosed, explained, and treated if the dyslexic individual is to have an optimal outcome. Anxiety and ADHD so commonly occur along with dyslexia that it is critical that once someone is diagnosed as dyslexic, anxiety and ADHD must be asked about. Both anxiety and ADHD are well described and well delineated, and each can be treated effectively.” - Dr. Sally Shaywitz
A study reports that of the children referred to a clinic for learning disabilities, 40% of the children with dyslexia also had symptoms of ADHD. Furthermore, over half the children with ADHD were found to have dyslexia.
A study reports that of the children referred to a clinic for learning disabilities, 40% of the children with dyslexia also had symptoms of ADHD. Furthermore, over half the children with ADHD were found to have dyslexia.